Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Starting this off on the wrong foot...

Tuesday came and went. Supposed to be writing my thesis, but not finding it entirely too enticing, so have decided to start blogging - yay. Yesterday decided to learn Japanese. Amazing what you do to avoid things you don't want to do? "The fun lies not in having nothing to do. Oh no. The fun lies in having plenty to do - and not doing it." Mae West was a wise old gal.

So now that I have this outlet, I guess I'm going to have to figure out what to do with it? Maybe vent over life, the universe and everything (yes, Douglas Adams was a genious), maybe wax philosophical to scare off everyone. Or maybe just be me? Right now listening to the incredibly talented Amos Lee and his "Soul Suckers" (on iTunes - get it before your neighbour!), which pretty much reflects the mood. Sitting in my self-proclaimed "writing-room" in the basement, while the girl is busy tidying up upstairs. Feel a bit guilty procrastinating down here (let's face it: this blog will NOT further my thesis) while she's up there working. But fair's fair: I've been pampering her while she was doing her project, and what goes around comes around? *grins*

Oh well - call this session brainstorm, cause that's what it's been. Crazy rollercoaster ride this - thanks for reading, promise to update with more interesting stuff soon.

Greets to all - posters and lurkers alike...


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