Thursday, May 11, 2006


...and a voice cried out from heaven, saying: "It is done."
- Book of Revelations, 16:17

After 9,5 weeks, 86 pages now await the final read-through (thanks Pete & Martin!), before I correct the last comma's and dot the last i's. It's been a growing experience for sure: I have had virtually no social life for the duration of this project, and - oddly enough - not that many "all-nighters"? I guess when you get up at 7am every day, you tend to not last so long into the pm (latest recorded shut-down: 03.25)?

So now, it's time to relax, help out where I can (both the girl and the house!) and wait for impending fatherhood.

So long, thesis, and thanks for all the fish...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi five, dude!

Don't forget about sleep somewhere in there, too...

Oh, and I had a dream about the baby being born. A bunch of us met up in some Metropolitan area (not sure which) and you had to be there for some kind of business trip. And I said, "You have to be here while the baby's being born elsewhere?" You shook your head, turned around, and the baby was strapped papoose-style to your back!

I know, I know... no more watching weird movies before I go to bed.


11/5/06 16:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! Good onya. Your thesis has been born, now we wait for the other impending birth in your life... Hug your wife for me, k? I'm sure she's feeling rather uncomfortable..

13/5/06 11:01  

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