Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Can almost smell it now...

I've lost count a little, but I think I've only got something like 8 pages left until I reach critical mass for the thesis...?!? The present plan is to be done writing this Friday - a good 6 days before impending fatherhood (as set by Danish health authorities). If I make it - and I'm actually starting to believe I will? - I will have written my thesis in just two months. No idea how it happened, but there you have it.

Nonsense - I know perfectly well how it happened: up at 7 am 7 days a week, then confine myself in front of the computer until 8-9-10-11-12pm/1-2pm, go to sleep, repeat next day. For two months. And I know I could have done it faster, seeing as I have not been...ahem...100% efficient with my time (hello Flickr!). But I believe a thesis is a process as much as anything else, and I don't think I could have done it any faster? But I'm well pleased with the whole event.

And to you wonderful, unthick, curious souls out there: the subject of the thesis is

How should Danish Telcos face the advent of VoIP?

Pure and simple. I believe Danish Telcos are in serious trouble unless they get their fingers out asap. VoIP providers are cropping up like mushrooms, and incumbent Telcos seem to think analogue, PSTN-telephony is an unending source of income = they have no intentions of lowering their prices. They should considder adapting to this new technology's entry onto the market, if they don't want to learn the hardway.

There - a thesis summary in 65 words. Hurrah! :-)

PS: Audiolathe - any progress on the Podcasts...? ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there -

Here to tell you the podcast is ready... finally.. after a considerable amount of procrastination and a growing tendency to get very anally retentive about transitions and making sure they are 'perfect' - get me an anorak :)

26/4/06 14:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the subject of your thesis - very good point! When over in Denmark in the Autumn I was appalled at the set-up fees of landlines and general prices of calls, seems the Danish phonecompanies are doing the Ostrich tactic when it comes to VOIP - i.e stick head in the sand and pretend the problem doesn't exist!

Have you considered the eventuality that they might hire you to fix the problem after you complete your thesis :) - good if you want a job, bad if you think the companies suck!

26/4/06 14:28  
Blogger Atrejù said...

Yay! - checking out your new podcast as we speak! :-D :-D :-D Here you go:

*hands over anorak with extra long sleeves...*

As for the thesis and the incumbent Danish Telcos: tell me about it?!? They're nuts. What SkypeOut charges for a 1 year subscription just barely covers the fee for 2 months of PSTN-subscription... :-S But yes: have considdered that they may hire me - they should! But a) I don't know if I'd want to fix their mess, b) don't know that they'd give me the power necessary to fix it, and c) not sure I want to work for them? *grins*

But hey: work is work, and if the money's good, I'm your employee! ;-)

26/4/06 15:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voip -- a subject near & dear to my heart. Definately the wave of the future. Now we need unlimited Overseas calling & life would be hunky dory ;)

7/5/06 13:40  

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