Sunday, July 09, 2006

Glamorous Cannes...

Thanks for all your comments on the last post! :-D I realize that, as a European, I'm blessed to have all of these wonderful, semi-exotic locations within a very short distance (London, Paris, Milan, Rome, Florence, Nice, Cannes, Luxembourg, Monaco, Barcelona, get the picture. *grins*). And yes: Cannes does have its glamorous sides (see any postcard). However, I decided to go about documenting the less glamorous sides - such as I see them when I walk down to the boulangerie (bakery, for the non-francophiles) in the morning to get baguettes (yes, ordinarily the butler would get the bread, but I enjoy mingling with the common people... *grins*).

But enough by the way of introduction: I give you the flipside of Cannes!

Security, Cannes-style. This will deter any and all would-be trespassers. Maybe.

With a plate like this, you would think the guy's saving up for a VW...?

A nicer view - and the more observant viewer will be able to distinguish the bread-running photographer... :-)

I guess this is as close as you can live to someone without living with them...?

Pedestrians in Cannes do not receive a lot of love from the city council...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hon, you might be documenting the lesser-seen areas of Cannes (the ones that don't make it onto the postcard), but it's far enough different from what we see on a daily basis that we can still consider it exotic (well, okay. Maybe not so much... but not-so-usual, perhaps?). I love the pictures, though! I hope you keep them coming (I want to hug my monitor!).

10/7/06 04:27  

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